Hi friends! Today’s post is a personal one. I get to celebrate my 2nd anniversary with my sweet husband and tonight I will be heading down south to Waco. Follow along my adventures with me over on Instagram! But until then, go ahead and take a little sneak peek down “memory lane” at Nick and I’s wedding.
As I type this, I just laid our sweet 9 month baby boy down for a nap. Two years. In a matter of two years we have created a family tree. We started a legacy. A story that we will pass down to our children and our grandchildren. How we have experienced our best of times and our lowest of times and how you and I have pulled through. We built this home and created this little miracle of life that we get to snuggle and giggle with every single night. Two years. Two chapters in our book. And I can’t help but think, if in just those two years we have created this wonderful, sometimes crazy life, what can’t we do together? What other amazing things will you and I create as a team?
Nick, I love you, I love my life with you & I can’t wait to love you for all the rest of my days. XO.

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