If I am being honest, it seems to weird to me to be sharing a family session here on the blog! While it hasn’t been so long to photograph a family session, it has been quite some time sharing one for all to see. For the past few years, I focused solely on weddings, maternity & newborn sessions that I didn’t share when a past client of mine would book a family session or share snip its of my mini sessions that I would host every year. But today I have a Schoepfle Garden family session to share with you all and it feels really, really nice to see these back here on the blog!

A Schoepfle Garden Family Session
Mama had a portrait session with me many years ago, with her and her children! Back then I did not realize what they were, but it was very much so a motherhood session and I am happy to get to see her kiddos once again and how much they have grown!

Mom chose one of my favorite locations for her family session, Schoepfle Gardens! This location has so many nooks, crannies & beautiful backgrounds to choose from and really shines in the spring with all the blooming flowers! While we did come right at the beginning of the spring season, we were still able to find some really great spots that offered nice greenery and even a few small little blooms to give us that spring feeling to their family portraits!

Photographing in the early spring here in Ohio can be tricky. It can tend to still be quite brown & gloomy, however with these few tips, you can avoid those leaf-less trees and still have the feel of spring! Find a greenery bush that is “bloomed” year round. This includes rhododendron bushes, bamboo and even pine trees too! Wear pastel & spring colors to add in color if you can’t find any in the location you are at. Lastly, be sure to photograph on a bright, sunny day! This doesn’t always get to happen, I know. But having that sun shining on you brings the little bit of pop that you’ll be looking for!

Hi there, I’m Britt! A family photographer serving Northeast Ohio & surrounding areas! Need to refresh your family portraits at home? Let’s get your session on the calendar! You can book your consultation call here!
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