I love when a new client signs up during one of my mini sessions and becomes a wonderful, continuous client that I have the honor of seeing year after year. It is such an honor when someone becomes a loyal part of the BSP family. B is one of those clients and I am always more than thrilled when I know we have a session coming up. She is expecting her second daughter and I got to document her North Ridgeville maternity session at the end of her pregnancy.

North Ridgeville Maternity Session
B’s daughter is such a little ham and honestly, makes my job too incredibly easy! (I also should stop saying that before I jinx myself! Ha!) But I loved getting to capture those last few moments of B & M together before she gets to become a big sister. Just going through this myself, I know those last few months, weeks & days with your first born before the second one arrives is such a bittersweet feeling. As soon as that second child arrives, your first born doesn’t look so little anymore and you just wonder, ‘were they always this big’? I actually had a sweet client of mine tell me before I had T, as soon as he was here, I’d look at L and he would look so old to me and my goodness was she right.

We captured B’s maternity session at home since it was March and still quite chilly outside. I always prefer this option in the winter months with little ones as I think they just participate a little better, even more so when they are in their comfy & safe environment! (Another reason why I love in home sessions so much!) But despite that chilly weather, we did get to have some sun shining through B’s dining room and it warmed those portraits right up.

I love getting to share deep conversations with my clients as we photograph their sessions about the mountains and valleys that motherhood can bring. It feels like such a gift to me getting the opportunity to meet so many moms & getting to make those personal connections through my business. B & I got to talking so much during her session, we could have almost totally forgotten we were there to do a portrait session! While some folks may not prefer that, I love my tribe of clients that allow the room to make those connections during their shoot!

Hey there mama, I’m Brittany! I’m a wife, mama to two and a Cleveland motherhood photographer specializing in maternity portraits. Are you expecting soon? I would love to capture those last precious few weeks before your little one’s arrival! Let’s start the conversation! You can reach me here!
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