Travel Journal | Las Vegas

This past October, Nick and I had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas for a few days away! My hubby is pretty awesome at sales (I need to learn his tips & tricks!) and with those great skills, he won a trip to Vegas!! How awesome is that?! And how lucky am I that I got to tag along?! ☺️

Nick and I are not experienced or professional travelers by any means! This was both our second time flying! I am not going to lie – I am a tad nervous when it comes to flying! I’d much rather drive! But since Las Vegas is quite some distance away, that wasn’t going to be an option! So I thought at least I could hold Nick’s hand if I needed too (yes, go ahead and laugh at that πŸ˜„)! However, because of our inexperience with flying, we end up in class C and one of the last passengers to board, resulting in not sitting next to each other! I think everyone we passed to get to a seat seen my deer in headlights look! Hehe! 😳

We landed in Vegas (and I was seated next to the sweetest woman! Hallelujah!) and I was completely blown away by the beautiful scenery beyond the strip! We stayed at the MGM Grand and I have never seen a bigger hotel in all my life! After check in, we grabbed lunch for us, breakfast to them and started to explore Las Vegas!

Our four days in Vegas were a lot of fun and a great little get away for just the two of us! We missed our babe so much though! I don’t think I let him go for a solid hour when we got home! ☺️

So, the reason why this blog post is called Las Vegas Part One is because you guys – we are going back!! Nick did it again and I get to soak in the rewards of his hard work! πŸ˜‰ At the end of the month, we are going back for round two and we have a “Vegas Bucket List” for the next time around! And instead of boring you with a play by play of our first trip to Vegas, I’m listing the basics of everything we did, see and enjoyed while there!!

Day One:

  • We stayed at the MGM Grand! The hotel was MASSIVE and had three starbucks! (That was my favorite part to the hotel! πŸ˜‰)
  • We visited the M&M store, the Coca Cola store and TJMaxx. #Priorities
  • Well oohed and ahhed all our hotel had inside! You could spend an entire day browsing and seeing what each hotel has to offer!
  • We went to Top Golf and that was surprisingly a lot of fun! Nick showed his athletic side that I NEVER knew he had!! The things you learn while on vacation!!
  • We walked around the Paris hotel and caught the fountain show at the Bellagio hotel under the Eiffel Tower Restaurant! This too will probably be the closest I will ever get to the real thing!

Day Two:

  • We walked the strip and got very sore feet!
    We seen The Cosmopolitan Hotel (my favorite!), The Bellagio Hotel, Ceasers Palace, the mall to see the rain shower (not worth the walk in my opinion!) and so much more along the way!
  • We ate at The Wicked Spoon at the Cosmopolitan hotel and oh my sweetness, it was GOOD! Bottomless mimosas, anyone?
  • We seen the Chris Angel show and I was blown away! Such fun!
  • We gambled $40 in 5 minutes and lost it all! 😣

Day Three:

  • We did a food tour and oh my goodness, it was so fun and tasty!! We got to eat food and see places we never would have gone to without this tour!! Totally recommend!
  • Did some tourist shopping! Had to bring home L a special gift!
  • We ate at the Ceasers Palace buffet and holy moly, I ate way too much! Good thing we had a long walk back!

There was so much that we didn’t get to during our time there that we are putting on our Vegas Bucket List for our next round and would love some suggestions! Any restaurants or shows that are a must?! Give us all the advice and enjoy a few pictures from our time there!!

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I'm Britt! A motherhood photographer obsessed with all things home, motherhood & drinking copious amounts of iced coffee. Welcome to my little slice of the web where I share all the latest sessions and bits about my life. I hope you stay a while!

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