Family & newborn photography for Cleveland families and surrounding areas.

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You guys. Every year, I swear I forgot how beautiful the spring season is in Ohio. And every year, when I take outdoor spring portraits with any blooming, flowering trees – I am just in awe. My dear friend , who is also a fabulous motherhood photographer, and her two boys had the dreamiest motherhood session during cherry blossom season.

The park was FILLED and I mean FILLED with other photographers and locals taking in the beautiful trees. The weather was a perfect 70 degrees and partly sunny, so everyone was just out and about soaking it in. But you would never know that we were shoulder to shoulder with others getting in as many photographs as we could as we both wrangled our boys for these portraits. (We took each others pictures with our boys and yes, it was absolutely a workout and made us both question our sanity! Ha!)

Cherry Blossom Motherhood Session

E is also expecting her 3rd baby so we were sure to document a few early maternity portraits and I just love how romantic and feminine these photos feel. She is not finding out the gender this time around and I envy her patience! I wanted to do that with T but I’m too much of a planner and ended up needing to know! I told her I am guessing girl, however I ALWAYS guess wrong so it’s probably a boy – which she thinks it is!

The cherry blossom season doesn’t last very long so it is truly a gift to get these portraits! If you are interested in getting portraits with the cherry blossoms, it is best to plan for a week or two around prime bloom! (Here in Ohio, it is typically the first or middle part of April.) But let me tell you, it is totally worth it and so dreamy!

I plan to share a few snip its of my photos with the boys in my next post. πŸ™‚

Hey there mama, I’m Britt. I’m a mom to two boys & a motherhood photographer based in Cleveland, OH. Did you envision yourself in these portraits with your babies? Let’s not wait any longer, schedule your motherhood session with me today! You can message me here!

Did you enjoy this post? Be sure to check these out too:

Chagrin Falls Motherhood Session

Summer Garden Maternity Session

Spring Schoepfle Garden Maternity Session

Cherry Blossom Motherhood Session


the latest


Schoepfle Garden Family Session



If I am being honest, it seems to weird to me to be sharing a family session here on the blog! While it hasn’t been so long to photograph a family session, it has been quite some time sharing one for all to see. For the past few years, I focused solely on weddings, maternity & newborn sessions that I didn’t share when a past client of mine would book a family session or share snip its of my mini sessions that I would host every year. But today I have a Schoepfle Garden family session to share with you all and it feels really, really nice to see these back here on the blog!

A Schoepfle Garden Family Session

Mama had a portrait session with me many years ago, with her and her children! Back then I did not realize what they were, but it was very much so a motherhood session and I am happy to get to see her kiddos once again and how much they have grown!

Mom chose one of my favorite locations for her family session, Schoepfle Gardens! This location has so many nooks, crannies & beautiful backgrounds to choose from and really shines in the spring with all the blooming flowers! While we did come right at the beginning of the spring season, we were still able to find some really great spots that offered nice greenery and even a few small little blooms to give us that spring feeling to their family portraits!

Photographing in the early spring here in Ohio can be tricky. It can tend to still be quite brown & gloomy, however with these few tips, you can avoid those leaf-less trees and still have the feel of spring! Find a greenery bush that is “bloomed” year round. This includes rhododendron bushes, bamboo and even pine trees too! Wear pastel & spring colors to add in color if you can’t find any in the location you are at. Lastly, be sure to photograph on a bright, sunny day! This doesn’t always get to happen, I know. But having that sun shining on you brings the little bit of pop that you’ll be looking for!

Hi there, I’m Britt! A family photographer serving Northeast Ohio & surrounding areas! Need to refresh your family portraits at home? Let’s get your session on the calendar! You can book your consultation call here!

Did you enjoy this post? Be sure to check out these:

Summer Garden Maternity Session

Vermilion Maternity Session

Schoepfle Garden Maternity Session

North Ridgeville Maternity Session



I love when a new client signs up during one of my mini sessions and becomes a wonderful, continuous client that I have the honor of seeing year after year. It is such an honor when someone becomes a loyal part of the BSP family. B is one of those clients and I am always more than thrilled when I know we have a session coming up. She is expecting her second daughter and I got to document her North Ridgeville maternity session at the end of her pregnancy.

Expecting mom in rust colored dress for a north ridgeville maternity session by maternity photographer, Brittany Serowski Photography.
a pregnant mother holding her belly while standing in her kitchen for a north ridgeville maternity session by maternity photographer, Brittany Serowski Photography.
A smiling mom to be looking at the camera while holding her pregnant bump in a rust colored dress for a north ridgeville maternity session by maternity photographer, Brittany Serowski Photography.

North Ridgeville Maternity Session

B’s daughter is such a little ham and honestly, makes my job too incredibly easy! (I also should stop saying that before I jinx myself! Ha!) But I loved getting to capture those last few moments of B & M together before she gets to become a big sister. Just going through this myself, I know those last few months, weeks & days with your first born before the second one arrives is such a bittersweet feeling. As soon as that second child arrives, your first born doesn’t look so little anymore and you just wonder, ‘were they always this big’? I actually had a sweet client of mine tell me before I had T, as soon as he was here, I’d look at L and he would look so old to me and my goodness was she right.

An expecting mom and toddler daughter, playing together in the kitchen for a north ridgeville maternity session by maternity photographer, Brittany Serowski Photography.

We captured B’s maternity session at home since it was March and still quite chilly outside. I always prefer this option in the winter months with little ones as I think they just participate a little better, even more so when they are in their comfy & safe environment! (Another reason why I love in home sessions so much!) But despite that chilly weather, we did get to have some sun shining through B’s dining room and it warmed those portraits right up.

I love getting to share deep conversations with my clients as we photograph their sessions about the mountains and valleys that motherhood can bring. It feels like such a gift to me getting the opportunity to meet so many moms & getting to make those personal connections through my business. B & I got to talking so much during her session, we could have almost totally forgotten we were there to do a portrait session! While some folks may not prefer that, I love my tribe of clients that allow the room to make those connections during their shoot!

Hey there mama, I’m Brittany! I’m a wife, mama to two and a Cleveland motherhood photographer specializing in maternity portraits. Are you expecting soon? I would love to capture those last precious few weeks before your little one’s arrival! Let’s start the conversation! You can reach me here!

Did you enjoy this post? Be sure to check these ones out too:

First Birthday Milestone Session

Vermilion Summer Maternity Session

In Home Milestone Session

Chagrin Falls Motherhood Session



I am officially back in action after taking off for my maternity leave with T! I truly couldn’t have wanted a better session to get myself back in the game or get my creative juices moving again than with this Chagrin Falls Motherhood Session. It was a treat getting to meet M’s newest addition & I always enjoy our conversations we have when we are together.

Chagrin Falls Motherhood Session

M is a mom to now three little ones & the owner of Meg Morrow Design. She is an incredibly talented stationary artist & I get the joy of working with her daily too, as her VA! I love getting to work with creative & driven business owners and M certainly fits the bill. She is so encouraging when I need that little pep talk and I’m just so thankful for the friendship I have gained with her!

As I mentioned, M just welcomed her third babe in February. It was lovely having a friend also pregnant & feeling those woes alongside me! Ha! This year is my first full year as a motherhood photographer and I really wanted to take the idea of motherhood sessions beyond just maternity, newborn & family portraits and really embrace portraits that are motherhood focused.

During M’s session, we talked so much about that balance of being a new mom, a business owner and wife and trying to manage all the things. It can be so difficult especially in the season of newborns and young children. But as a mom, it is so nice being able to have those conversations with other moms who get it and can relate with you.

I loved how M’s portraits turned out for her motherhood session. And I just had to sneak in a few newborn portraits of her sweet little one as well. She gave me some really wonderful ideas for portrait sessions to offer this year and I can’t wait to share more of those details with you!

Hi sweet friend, I’m Brittany! A motherhood photographer specializing in maternity, newborns & families based in Ohio. You can see more of my motherhood portfolio here!

Did you love the idea of a motherhood session? Ready to book? Click here to find more details & my date availability!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out:

2022: A Year In Review



My biggest blog post of the year is finally here! I look forward to this post and dread writing it at the same time because of how long it takes! Haha! But it’s one of my favorites to read and look back on so alas, I’m doing it! Here is a year in review for 2022!

2022: A Year In Review


January was a pretty calm month at home but super busy on the business side of things! I officially changed my name from Sweet Magnolia Photo to Brittany Serowski Photography! It was a hard decision but very much needed! I got a total brand overhaul, new website, new headshots and a new Instagram handle which was very exciting! Ha! L also went roller skating for a school field trip and it inspired us for his birthday party later in the year!


February was also a quiet one! Lots of snuggles were had at home! L also gave flowers to a little girl at his preschool he has a crush on and it was the most darling thing in the world! I also started my VA services and it just took off like a rocket! It went so well, I bought a painting the day I landed my first client and it is now extra special to me every time I look at it!


March was a simple one too! (Does anything spectacular really go on during these three months anyway?!) I did start my wedding season and announced that it would be my last! It was such a big thing to share and it was scary to remove such a big part of my business! I will miss the wedding days but my family needs me at home now more than ever.

(What L is hoping will be his first car! LOL)


I swear the day after I got pregnant, all the pregnancy symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks! We found out we were expecting baby number two April 13th! It was so hard to keep it a secret from family especially at Easter when I was feeling so sick but we didn’t keep it in for very long! I’m not the best secret keeper! We celebrated Easter with family and took L to his first play, The Wizard of Oz! He loved it and did so well the entire time!


Spring had finally come! L graduated from Preschool and between him being my OG baby and the pregnancy hormones, I could have bawled like a baby the entire graduation! We were so proud of him! To celebrate the kick off to summer and school being over, we spent a week in Myrtle Beach with my parents and Nick’s parents and had the best time! Thankfully, I got on some morning sickness medication and was able to enjoy a good part of our vacation! It was chilly in South Carolina for a good part of our time there but it was nice not having to fight any summer crowds! Oh! And I turned 29! My last year in my 20s! That doesn’t seem possible!

Nick and I have about 1 picture of us together on our honeymoon and it was here at Mad Myrtle’s so we needed to get another one in as our fam of 3. πŸ™‚
I have tons more nicer pictures, I need to share in a blog post soon!


June arrived and that meant trips to Cedar Point were back on! Until I was too sick to be in the heat once again! Ha! πŸ˜… So we tried to do as much as we could in cool air! Lots of spending time at the movie theater! Nick and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary at “our spot” we go to every year and enjoy the same meal we have the past 7 years! Unfortunately, with being so icky from this pregnancy, no pictures to document this milestone but it was a yummy dinner!


We celebrated Nick’s 33rd birthday and 4th of July! L started T-ball and LOVED it! I can definitely see myself as a baseball mom! We enjoyed watching him so much play during the season! We also spent lots of time at the park and getting lots of dirty feet this summer!


The start of back to school! L started Kindergarten and is such a big boy now! He rides the bus and was told I am NOT to walk with him to the bus stop, he wants to go alone. He’s lucky it is directly across the street from our front door but it’s bittersweet watching him get so big! We did one day at the county fair because you know, pregnancy sickness, πŸ™„ and enjoyed watching the combine derby like we do every year! I also photographed my very last wedding this month! I’m glad it was for an old friend to round out my wedding career, for the time being! 😜



L turned 6 and we celebrated his birthday at the roller rink! Unfortunately, he came down with a cold that day and that started the never ending on and off cold & viruses that we would battle like every other household in America. Sheesh! I started to really show with my bump so I took my first bump selfie! It’s so small looking backing on and boy did it feel so big then! Ha! We got to sneak in one night of Halloweekends at Cedar Point and kick off the spooky season, our favorite! Plus, a spontaneous day in Amish country with my mom! We had so many laughs, it was such a great day! And I can’t forget the Hocus Pocus 2 Watch Party! We set up the movie outside and had some friends and family over to watch and eat munchies!


For L’s birthday, Nick and I decided to take him to Legoland in Columbus and it was such a great time! I’m not sure who loved it more, Nick or L but either way, we all had a great time! Hah! We went to a fall festival at one of our favorite orchards and played in the hay until our sinuses couldn’t take it anymore! We hosted our annual Halloween dinner and ate the yummiest chicken paprikash as it is tradition in our house!


We started off the month with my baby sprinkle and it was so special to celebrate baby boy! I hadn’t had a need to buy too much as I saved everything from when L was a baby that it was so fun getting to buy and receive baby items! It definitely started to make it feel a little more real! 😜 And it’s crazy that it was the beginning of November and the weather was 70 degrees outside!! We celebrated Thanksgiving with our families and filled our bellies as much as possible! It’s nice being pregnant on Thanksgiving and eating for two! Haha!


December was an exciting month for us! It was baby month! We were on a countdown for baby’s arrival and hoping each and every day would be it! My gut kept telling me he was coming early on the 10th, 15th or 17th and sure enough, our family was complete on December 17th! (My intuition was totally right!) I have baby’s birth story for another blog post that I will share very soon! 🀍 We were home in time for Christmas and had a great week celebrating time with just the 4 of us for the remainder of the month! L also had his Christmas Sing A Long 2 days before our sweet boys arrival and I cried as soon as he started singing! I know it was the hormones but it was SO precious! We ended the last day of the year with our tradition – Chinese food and a new movie!

What an incredible year it was. We were gifted the greatest Christmas gift with baby boy and I just know we have so much to look forward to in 2023! Cheers my friend!

Hi sweet friend, I’m Brittany! A virtual assistant and motherhood photographer based in Ohio. You can find out more about me here!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out:

get started

Whether you are looking to photograph your maternity or newborn, I'd love to chat with you!

Let's Work Together

I'm Britt! A motherhood photographer obsessed with all things home, motherhood & drinking copious amounts of iced coffee. Welcome to my little slice of the web where I share all the latest sessions and bits about my life. I hope you stay a while!

Meet Britt

photos that will

last for generations.

i'm ready to book!

An enchanting holiday experience your family won’t want to miss.



